I want to support the "National Shroud of Turin Exhibit - World's Greatest Mystery"
Your tax-deductible donation to the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit will fund a permanent state-of-the-art presentation about the world’s most studied and mysterious artifact. Learn more about the Shroud Exhibit Vision.
Our team of Shroud experts is seeking exhibit space in Washington, D.C., that will attract continuous walk-in traffic. Additionally, a small “contemplation chapel” is planned for inspired visitors to pray and reflect upon what millions of people around the globe believe is the burial Shroud of Jesus Christ.
No entry fee is envisioned for the future "National Shroud of Turin Exhibit - World's Greatest Mystery." However, donations will be boldly encouraged to subsidize this impressive exhibit that glorifies God through the Passion of Jesus Christ.
The National Shroud Exhibit is a project of SignFromGod.org, recognized by the IRS as a 501(c) (3) charity with tax-deductible donations.