Pages tagged "Senior Adviser"
Pam McCue
Pam McCue is focused on the science and wonder of the Shroud of Turin. She began researching the Shroud in earnest after she retired as a senior executive in the US Department of Defense (DoD). Pam has Bachelor and Master’s degrees in electrical engineering, and 30 years experience working in defense science.
Pam conducted and directed intelligence efforts to determine technical characteristics of foreign weapon systems to be sure that our military could defeat them. This career experience gave Pam broad and deep understanding of scientific analysis. It was natural to apply her analysis skills to the fascinating work of the Shroud.
The extensive science of the Shroud gives a unique opportunity to speak to people who think that science and God are incompatible. Pam loves that challenge and has found that presenting the science of the Shroud is a powerful way to have folks reconsider their doubts and energize their faith.
Pam began presenting the Shroud to anyone who was interested, then developed a mobile display that has been popular at churches and schools. She now is displaying the high-impact Othonia exhibit from the 2024 Catholic National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Her goal is for as many people as possible to be exposed to the wonder of the Shroud, the most studied object in history. She supports the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit and looks forward to a permanent display in Washington, DC.
Gilbert R. Lavoie
Dr. Gilbert R. Lavoie is a medical doctor, a specialist in internal medicine, occupational medicine, and public health. He has also pursued a forensic and scriptural study of the Shroud of Turin for over 40 years. He has published books, a video and articles all related to scriptural and medical forensic studies of the blood marks and image of the man of the shroud.
Dr. Lavoie along with his colleague, Tom D’Muhala, created the website. They digitized and organized some of the finest photographs of the Shroud of Turin done by Vernon Miller who was the official scientific photographer of the 1978 Shroud of Turin Research Project. The Vernon Miller photo collection is now available worldwide on the internet at
In the last several years Dr. Lavoie worked with the internationally known sculptor, Pablo Eduardo. Eduardo recently completed a bronze sculpture that is a three-dimensional replica of the image of the man of the Shroud of Turin. This was done in exquisite detail paying much attention to the anatomy of the figure and reveals a whole new way of understanding the shroud image. The sculpture called, The Sign resides at Ave Maria University. The Sign accompanies Dr. Lavoie’s new book, The Shroud of Jesus And the Sign John Ingeniously Concealed, published by Sophia Institute Press, 2023. The book has been endorsed by Scott Hahn, Mike Aquilina, Rev. Francis Hoffman, the CEO of Relevant Radio, and others.
Fr. Andrew Dalton, L.C.
Fr. Andrew Dalton is a Catholic priest of the Legionaries of Christ and professor of theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, where he teaches the Synoptic Gospels and Biblical Greek and Hebrew. For the Postgraduate Certificate in Shroud Studies, he lectures on the Biblical Theology of the Passion of Christ. Fr. Dalton has become well-known as an international speaker on the Shroud. His approach bridges the gap between scientific observation and theological interpretation. Fr. Dalton is also the author of Fulfilled Israel: Matthew’s Plerosis Paradigm (Mohr Siebeck).
Nora Creech
Liaison to Othonia
Nora Creech has been interested in the Shroud of Turin since the 1970s and has extensively studied the linen cloth. As an experienced lecturer on the history, science, and pastoral implications of the Shroud, she is passionate about sharing the facts related to the mysterious image and connecting it to the Gospel message.
Nora is a part of “Othonia”, the international organization responsible for educating people about the Shroud through exhibits, educational initiatives, conferences, and lectures
“Othonia,” from the Greek word in John’s Gospel for “burial cloth,” is an Apostolate of the Science & Faith Institute of the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum located in Rome, Italy. Othonia has strong relationships with Shroud experts all over the world and is an authoritative source for the most up-to-date information on the Shroud from a historical and scientific perspective and its relationship to the Scriptures.
The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit partnered with Othonia to produce the Shroud exhibit at the National Eucharistic Congress in July 2024.
Nora earned a Master of Arts degree in Faith and Culture from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX, and has completed the postgraduate course in Shroud Studies offered by the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum in Rome, Italy.
Nora continues to develop and install Othonia’s “Who is the man of the Shroud?” exhibit across the USA and numerous locations around the world.
Above: Nora Creech at the National Eucharistic Congress July 17-21, 2024, speaking to EWTN about the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit that partnered with Othonia, resulting in the popular exhibit.
Below, on March 28, 2023, at the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit's grand opening of the life-sized Shroud of Turin replica, Nora was a featured speaker. The National Catholic Register had a front-page article about the event and Nora's presentation.
Nora Creech spoke at the March 28, 2023, National Shroud of Turin Grand Opening of Shroud replica at the Catholic Information Center (CIC) in DC.
In addition, Nora worked with the Curator and President/CEO of the National Museum of Funeral History in Houston, TX, to develop a permanent exhibit about the Shroud entitled “The Most Famous Burial of All Time”. The exhibit opened to the public on April 27, 2023.
Cheryl White
Cheryl H. White, PhD, is professor of history at Louisiana State University at Shreveport, where she holds the endowed Hubert Humphreys Professorship. She currently serves on the board of directors of the Shroud of Turin Education and Research Association (STERA) and has published original research from the Vatican Secret Archives on the history of the Shroud for international journals and conferences.
Dr. White served as the historical consultant on the original Shroud of Turin exhibit developed for Museum of the Bible and is a lecturer for the Smithsonian Institution. In 2023, she presented on the topic of the Shroud of Turin at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, and at the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress. She co-hosts a 36-episode podcast series entitled, Who Is the Man of the Shroud?
Dr. White is a regular consultant and contributor to The History Channel. She features in a forthcoming documentary on the Shroud for EWTN and works closely with the Center for the International Study of the Shroud in Turin on collaborative projects. With Father Peter Mangum, Dr. White curates the esteemed Richard Orareo Collection related to the history of the Shroud of Turin, a cultural treasure of artworks and documents that spans five centuries.
Her forthcoming book, The Shroud in the Third Millennium: Confronting the Limits of Human Knowledge, will be published in 2025.