
 A Prayer Before the Holy Shroud of Jesus



Heavenly Father, we give thanks and praise for the gift of Your divine love revealed through Your Son, Jesus Christ, not only by His words and deeds but also by His suffering and death.

As we venerate the burial Shroud that wrapped His sacred body, help us contemplate His sorrowful passion and be inspired by His glorious image. Bless Your servants worldwide working to educate others about this Holy Shroud, which reveals Jesus’s suffering for our salvation and His triumphant Resurrection. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, grant that we may bear witness to the truth of Your saving love to the ends of the earth.

Heavenly Father, we pray that you cast out the darkness of doubt, break down the walls of division, purge away our sinful pride, enlighten our minds, enkindle our hearts, and prosper the work of our hands as we joyfully proclaim the victory of Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.


Shroud expert and National Shroud of Turin Executive Team member Russ Breault has a series of informative and short Shroud videos on Intragram.



Nora Creech an esteemed member of the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit team has numerous PODCASTS on her Shroud of Turin Educator site.


     Shroud Exhibits in North America!                                             

Click this link to learn about a Shroud exhibit near you. Never before have there been as many exhibits or future exhibits around the nation. The Shroud is experiencing a renaissance in interest and impact.