


The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit will be a sponsor of this event, and many of our team will be attending or presenting.

For more information,  Shroud 2025 Conference

Contact: [email protected]


Presented by:








July 17-21, 2024 Indianapolis, IN

Official Schedule for the National Eucharistic Congress 




Four-day exhibit with speakers in Wabash Ballroom 3 at Convention Center.


The 10th National Eucharistic Congress is a milestone moment within the three-year movement of Revival. Catholics will gather from around the nation in Indianapolis, where the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit will featured during the four-day Congress. Meditating on the Shroud and its relationship to the Real Presence in the Eucharist can lead to profound, personal renewal through the power of Christ's love. On-site  contact: Myra Kahn Adams 703/795-8136 




Mark your calendar:

                   February 8, 2024, 7AM - The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.


Stay tuned! The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit will have an exhibit booth similar to 2023. However, at 10AM we will be hosting a press conference to announce some news about the Shroud of Turin. 



Mark your calendar: October 18, 2023 9-11 AM



Scientific Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin - Weds. Oct. 18, 9-11 AM. RSVP here

Where: Catholic Information Center (CIC) 1501 K St., NW, Washington, D.C. A light breakfast will be served. Co-Host: National Shroud of Turin Exhibit

Speaker: Fr. Robert Spitzer, Shroud of Turin expert and EWTN show host

Note: This is CIC's first morning event, 9-11 AM Eastern  

The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit is proud to co-sponsor this inspiring program where our life-sized Shroud of Turin replica is on display at the CIC. RSVP here



Shroud Speaker Event in Wash. D.C. on July 20, 2023 

One of our esteemed National Shroud of Turin Exhibit team members, Dr. Cheryl White, is speaking at the Catholic Information Center (CIC) in Washington, D.C. 1501 K St., NW, on July 20, 6-8 pm. RSVP here.

The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit is co-sponsoring this inspiring and enlightening event where you will see a life-sized Shroud of Turin replica - the first National Shroud of Turin "Exhibit." Our goal is to build a permanent Shroud exhibit in Washington, D.C.


Dr. White will discuss the Shroud’s unexplained properties that baffle modern science. The linen cloth shows a mysterious image of a crucified man who bears all the related wounds that mirror the Gospel narratives of the Passion of Jesus Christ. Its unique image characteristics and compelling scientific data make it the most studied artifact in the world from many academic disciplines. A life-sized Shroud of Turin replica is on display during her talk, sponsored by the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit, which plans to produce a permanent Shroud of Turin Exhibit in Washington, D.C. Co-Sponsored with The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.

               National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Education Prog. at World Youth Day!    



Join us for The Shroud of Turin Catechesis Session (2 Sessions)

Fórum Lisboa - Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa 

Featuring Father Andrew Dalton, LC; Dr. Cheryl White; Nora Creech

Tuesday, August 1, 10:00 AM - or - 3:00 PM 

Av. de Roma 14, 1000-143 Lisboa, Portugal

Pope Francis and over a million attendees with be joining Father Andrew Dalton, Dr. Cheryl White, & Nora Creech, who are honored to represent the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit at World Youth Day. Look for our Shroud banners!

On August 1, be sure to attend their message about the Shroud of Turin. This is the world's greatest mystery. An ancient linen cloth with a graphic depiction of a scourged and crucified man. The wounds of the Man of the Shroud mirror the Biblical narrative of the life, suffering, death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus. 

Click here to learn more.