Exhibit News
National Shroud of Turin Exhibit at SEEK24 FOCUS Event - Fr. Dalton Jammed the Room!
Posted by Myra Adams · January 07, 2024
Along with 20,000 Catholic college students and 282 exhibitors, the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) also had a booth at the SEEK24 FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic Univ. Students) convention in St. Louis, MO from January 1-5. At our booth pictured below from L to R, were our two volunteers, Sheila Stevens and Julie Medearis. On behalf of the NSTE team I can't thank Sheila and Julie enough for all their long hours and dedication to our successful SEEK experience. We could not have done this without you both.
Pictured below are Myra Kahn Adams - NSTE Exec. Director and Fr. Andrew Dalton, an esteemed member of our NSTE team. Our booth had so much interest that we ran out of Shroud posters and distributed nearly 1000 Shroud cards with the QR code to our website.
The highlight of NSTE's time at SEEK was Tuesday, Jan. 2, when Fr. Dalton gave a Shroud presentation in a large room that needed to be three times larger. There was not an unoccupied inch of floor space and we were shocked that the fire marshall did not shut us down. After Fr. Dalton's talk, he could not walk two steps in the massive convention hall without being stopped by adoring fans. The power of the Shroud at work!
Below: Myra, far left, introduced Fr. Dalton. Julie Medearis took the photo from the side door because she could not get in the room!
Below from left to right are Joel Stepanek, Myra Adams and Fr. Andrew Dalton. Joel is Vice President of Programming and Administration for the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) scheduled July 17-21 in Indianapolis IN. There, the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit will have a Shroud exhibit and host a speaker's program at this inspirational national event where over 80,000 Catholics and many VIPs are expected to attend. Two of our NSTE team, Nora Creech and Dr. Cheryl White, are working closely with Joel Stepanek to arrange our Shroud exhibit and program. Many thanks to Cheryl and Nora for their time and effort helping to plan for the NEC.
Special thanks to Nora Creech who initiated the NSTE booth at SEEK and arranged for Fr. Dalton to speak. Extra thanks to Ralph Voss, whose generous financial support made our SEEK participation possible. Again, I want to acknowledge Julie Medearis, Sheila Stevens, Fr. Dalton, Nora Creech and our donor Ralph Voss. Bless you all for your SEEK participation, helping to educate thousands of college students about the Shroud. Seeds were planted and only God knows how they will grow.
The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit's next event is February 8 at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. We will have an information booth (2023's booth shown below) a breakfast table, and host a press conference following the Breakfast. Stay tuned, for we plan to announce some big Shroud news that will generate national and international attention. We pray that 2024 will be our breakthrough year and that the Lord will bring us donors to build a permanent Shroud of Turin exhibit in Washington, D.C. at Union Station. For more information about all of the above, contact: [email protected] and also to request a copy of NSTE's Business Plan.
Shown above at the 2023 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast are members of the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit - Executive Team. From left to right: Lisa Rowan, Nora Creech, Myra Kahn Adams, and Dr. Cheryl White.
Fr. Robert Spitzer Shroud Event at CIC co-hosted by National Shroud of Turin Exhibit in D.C.
Posted by Myra Adams · October 21, 2023
From L to R: Fr. Robert Spitzer, National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) Executive Director Myra Kahn Adams, NSTE Executive Team member Lisa Rowan, Catholic Information Center (CIC) Director Fr. Charles Trullols, NSTE advisor David Adams
At CIC on Oct. 18, the NSTE was honored to co-host Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J., Ph.D., one of the world's leading experts on the Shroud of Turin. Fr. Spitzer is beloved by millions of Catholics and seen weekly on his popular EWTN show “Father Spitzer's Universe.” He is founder and president of the Spitzer Center and the Magis Center. Fr. Spitzer, who is blind, is an inspiration to those with disabilities, as a scholar, leader, teacher, author, pre-eminent theologian and philosopher. His other fields of expertise include management science, finance, ethics, and physics.
Fr. Spitzer's presentation informed and engaged the CIC audience about the compelling scientific data behind the Shroud. He highlighted the linen cloth's theological insights addressing how science intersects with faith and hope – shedding light on why millions of people believe the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Watch the Oct. 18 program here.
The Fr. Spitzer Shroud event was this year's third successful program at the CIC co-hosted by NSTE where we have a life-sized Shroud of Turin replica. Click to learn more about our July 20 and March 28 educational events. The goal of NSTE is to produce a permanent Shroud of Turin Exhibit in Washington, D.C. and every day we are moving closer to making that happen with your prayers and financial support.
British Shroud of Turin Society leaders meet National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Team members in London
Posted by Myra Adams · September 25, 2023
Starting left: Michael Kowalski who is Editor of the British Shroud of Turin Society (BSTS). David Rolfe, the former BSTS editor and legendary Shroud film producer. David Adams, adviser to the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) and Myra Kahn Adams, Executive Director of NSTE and SignFromGod.org. We had an enlightening lunch and discussed ways to partner while David and Myra visited London on Sept. 18, 2023.
David Rolfe, Myra Kahn Adams and Lynn Kowalski, who does outreach for the BSTS, shows the gift from Myra of the Holy Shroud Fragrance. Next to Lynn is Michael Kowalski. The Holy Shroud Fragrance was developed by Abba Oil Christian Products' owners Roger and Greer Kenworthy after years of Biblically-based research. Proceeds benefit the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit's mission of building a permanent Shroud of Turin exhibit in Washington, DC.
Myra and Pam Moon who is a renowned Shroud of Turin scholar in front of the Holy Face image part of her temporary Shroud of Turin exhibit at All Saints Church - Notting Hill, London. Pam's educational Shroud exhibits are shown throughout the UK and always well-attended.
National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Team at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal
Posted by Myra Adams · August 07, 2023
Educating the Youth at World Youth Day About The Shroud of Turin, August 1-6 Lisbon, Portugal.
Nora Creech shares her experiences at World Youth Day with Dr. Cheryl White and Father Andrew Dalton, L.C., who are all National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Team members.
Nora wrote: As a representative of the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit, I was privileged to join the pilgrimage to Lisbon to participate in World Youth Day 2023. I met my colleagues, Dr. Cheryl White, and Fr. Andrew Dalton, in Lisbon to present two catechesis sessions on “The Worlds’ Greatest Mystery: The Shroud of Turin”. We spoke at the Forum Lisboa (a civic auditorium in downtown Lisbon). Eager young adults from all over the world found their way to this obscure location to learn more about the Shroud. Read more..
Three team members from the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) - Dr. Cheryl White, Nora Creech and Fr. Andrew Dalton, L.C - were among the 1.5 million attendees at World Youth Day - the Catholic festival held in Lisbon, Portugal from August 1-6. Pope Francis addressed the massive crowd with pilgrims from every country in world. Cheryl, Nora and Fr. Dalton represented NSTE with two, 3-hour presentations and one 90-minute talk about the Shroud of Turin to a combined audience of 1,400 people. They also distributed 40,000 Shroud of Turin calling cards with a QR code directed to NSTE's site menu “Learn About The Shroud” (shown below).
Photos: Above, from WYD program about the first Shroud session. Below left from L. to R., Dr. Cheryl White, Fr. Andrew Dalton, L.C., and Nora Creech on their way to their first presentation attended by 800 pilgrims. Next, Fr. Dalton addressing the crowd. Then, during the presentation Cheryl and Nora "wrapped" a volunteer to demonstrate how the Man of the Shroud was wrapped in His burial shroud. Bottom: Front and back of 40,000 business cards that our team distributed to WYD attendees.
Congrats to the NSTE team for a job well done!
Successful Shroud Program at Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C. on July 20
Posted by Myra Adams · July 23, 2023
The Catholic Information Center (CIC) and The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) co-hosted the program "Shroud of Turin: Mystery and History" on July 20 to a packed house at CIC's headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Pictured from L. to R: Lisa Rowan and David Adams (both on NSTE Executive Leadership Team), Myra Kahn Adams (NSTE Executive Director), Dr. Cheryl White (program speaker and on NSTE Executive Leadership Team), Cardinal–Designate Papal Nuncio Christophe Pierre (Vatican Amb. to U.S.), and Fr. Charles Trullols (CIC Director). Dr. Cheryl White spoke about the Shroud in the context of history and its unsolved mysteries. Cardinal–Designate Papal Nuncio Christophe Pierre, addressed the audience with thoughtful remarks concerning the Shroud in relation to our resurrection through Christ.
The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) plans to produce a permanent Shroud of Turin Exhibit in Washington, D.C. Its first mini-exhibit is a life-sized Shroud replica on display at CIC (cicdc.org).
Shroud Speaker Event - July 20 in Washington, D.C.
Posted by Myra Adams · July 10, 2023
One of our esteemed National Shroud of Turin Exhibit team members, Dr. Cheryl White, is speaking at the Catholic Information Center (CIC) in Washington, D.C. 1501 K Street, NW, on July 20, 6-8 pm . RSVP here for the program and reception.
The National Shroud of Turin Exhibit is co-sponsoring this inspiring and enlightening event where you will see a life-sized Shroud of Turin replica - the first National Shroud of Turin "Exhibit." Our goal is to build a permanent Shroud exhibit in Washington, D.C.
Shroud of Turin Preview: World Youth Day with Father Andrew Dalton, Dr. Cheryl White, & Nora Creech
Posted by Myra Adams · June 04, 2023
Join us for The Shroud of Turin Catechesis Session (2 Sessions)
Fórum Lisboa - Assembleia Municipal de Lisboa
Featuring Father Andrew Dalton, LC; Dr. Cheryl White; Nora Creech
Tuesday, August 1, 10:00 AM - or - 3:00 PM
Av. de Roma 14, 1000-143 Lisboa, Portugal
Click to watch a video discussion of our three team members who will be attending World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal -- Fr. Andrew Dalton, Dr. Cheryl White, and Nora Creech.
Shroud of Turin Exhibit at World Youth Day
You will enjoy this fascinating dialog with three internationally known Shroud experts.
On August 1, 2023, Fr. Andrew Dalton, Dr. Cheryl White, and Nora Creech will be offering a presentation at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal focused on the world's most studied artifact: The Shroud of Turin. From the standpoint of history, theology, and science, this inter-disciplinary presentation will challenge young people to encounter this artifact from many perspectives of human knowledge, encompassing both faith and reason. The event is sponsored by the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit.
March 28, 2023: National Shroud of Turin Exhibit Grand Opening at Catholic Information Center in Washington, DC.
Posted by Myra Adams · April 02, 2023
This successful event received prominent Catholic media coverage. News links below the photos.
Myra Kahn Adams explains the four-group collaboration that brought the life-sized Shroud of Turin replica to the Catholic Information Center (CIC) in DC.
Nora Creech, our National Shroud of Turin team member, gave a stunning power point talk at the event. A Washington VIP sat in the front row with security guards! The event was featured in the National Catholic Register (the most widely read Catholic publication in the world.) On Palm Sunday the article was trending #1. Below is the photo that appeared on the front page of NCR with the link to the article.
More coverage of the Shroud replica at CIC:
AND even more.. also stay tuned for more news about the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit's future plans and events!
Exhibit Table at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast - March 14
Posted by Myra Adams · March 19, 2023
National Shroud of Turin Exhibit team members who attended the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on March 14 in Washington, D.C. Left to right: Lisa Rowan, Nora Creech, Myra Kahn Adams, Dr. Cheryl White.
Shroud Replica Installed at Catholic Information Center in Wash. DC, on March 9, 2023
Posted by Myra Adams · March 11, 2023
A banner day for the National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE). Our first mini-exhibit was installed at the Catholic Information Center (CIC) in Washington, DC, close to the White House. Pictured from left to right is CIC Director Father Charles Trullols, Myra Kahn Adams - Executive Director of the NSTE, and David Adams from NSTE executive team. The life-sized Shroud replica will be on display at least six months at the CIC, 1500 K St. NW, Wash. DC. cicdc.org