Fr. Robert Spitzer Shroud Event at CIC co-hosted by National Shroud of Turin Exhibit in D.C.
From L to R: Fr. Robert Spitzer, National Shroud of Turin Exhibit (NSTE) Executive Director Myra Kahn Adams, NSTE Executive Team member Lisa Rowan, Catholic Information Center (CIC) Director Fr. Charles Trullols, NSTE advisor David Adams
At CIC on Oct. 18, the NSTE was honored to co-host Fr. Robert Spitzer S.J., Ph.D., one of the world's leading experts on the Shroud of Turin. Fr. Spitzer is beloved by millions of Catholics and seen weekly on his popular EWTN show “Father Spitzer's Universe.” He is founder and president of the Spitzer Center and the Magis Center. Fr. Spitzer, who is blind, is an inspiration to those with disabilities, as a scholar, leader, teacher, author, pre-eminent theologian and philosopher. His other fields of expertise include management science, finance, ethics, and physics.
Fr. Spitzer's presentation informed and engaged the CIC audience about the compelling scientific data behind the Shroud. He highlighted the linen cloth's theological insights addressing how science intersects with faith and hope – shedding light on why millions of people believe the Shroud of Turin is the burial cloth of Jesus Christ. Watch the Oct. 18 program here.
The Fr. Spitzer Shroud event was this year's third successful program at the CIC co-hosted by NSTE where we have a life-sized Shroud of Turin replica. Click to learn more about our July 20 and March 28 educational events. The goal of NSTE is to produce a permanent Shroud of Turin Exhibit in Washington, D.C. and every day we are moving closer to making that happen with your prayers and financial support.
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